[LaserDriver_ResourceString] 61448=The softerware is still in probation time.and system date and time is prohibited to be modified! 145=Cut 146=Engrave 61461=GradeEngrave 8007=Hole 181=Worktable 180=Feeding 151=Time: 153=count: 155=. 123=Data exceeds working table! 176=Company: 111=layer,50;Mode,90;Speed,55;Power,55;Output,50;Times,40 61463=Immediate mode 158=times 156=finished: 61449=Worked times 7017=Rectangle 7019=Polyline 7024=Ellipse 128=Calculating data, please wait 7512=Edit Node 7033=Size 61520=Engrave Scan-Move Lengths 61519=Cut-Move Lengths 61518=Space-Move Lengths 106=Estimate work time 100=Laser output 7100=Set array output options 61450=Save changes to file ? 61447=ECP-EC Project File|*.ecp|| 7097=Rotal 174=Laser output 61506=Are you sure only output seleceted object? 109=Machine options 110=Work mode 177=We are striving for the development of laser industry 178=027-8754 5828 179=whykrj@yahoo.com.cn 116=Radius(start),110;Radius(end),110;Cut speed,80; 115=Begin speed,82;End speed,70;Acc len,60;Acc space,70;Start speed,80;Acc,80;Y speed,80; 61452=Machine is Datumming, please wait ... 117=Open motion card error ! 7030=Redo 61446=Laser cut and engrave control system 5.0 531=Auxiliary 6120=Calculate 557=Layer 558=Test 182=Up 183=Down 524=Attribute 527=Apply all 184=Left 186=Right 187=Up 188=Down 189=Datum 190=Datum 193=Laser on 361=Laser off 518=Run frame 521=Cut frame 384=Has modify data ? 61529=Motion-Card 391=Set circle speed error ! 7104=Import 7037=Define cut route 7040=Set knife origin 6110=Set simulate speed 6090=Estimate work time 7010=Zoom to table 7114=Refresh 7007=Pick 7014=Zoom in 7013=Zoom out 7015=Pan 7009=Zoom to all object 7029=Undo 7601= 7035=Mirror(Horizontally) 8001= 6040=Save 7612= 6060=Open 61464=Parameter error! 7620= 7618= 61454=Machine is running, please stop it ! 140=Plug in softdog and restart the software! 6030=New 7098=Polyline 7050=Text 7103=Mirror(vertically) [ExternDLL_ResourceString] 411= 412= 413= 414= 415= 416=?? 417=???? 418=?? 419=x?? 420=y?? 421=?? 422=?? 423=???? 424=?? 425=?? 426=?? 427=? 428=?? 429=?? 430=???? 431=???? 432=???? 433=?? 435=?? 436=???? 437=TrueType 438=??? 439=???? 440=?? 441=??? 442=??? 443=??? 444=?? 445=??? 446=??? 447=?? 448= 449= 450= 451= 452= 453= 454= 455= 149=Checking data 161=Calculating Data 126=All File Formats 117=ECP-EC Project File|*.ecp|| 118=PLT-HPGL Plotter File 119=AI-Adobe Illustrator 120=EPS-Encapsulated PostScript 122=DXF-AutoCAD 123=DST-Tajima 124=BMP-Windows Bitmap 163=NC-Mastercam 108=Open 153=Check result: 147=Unite conjoint Lines 143=PLT-HPGL Plotter File|*.PLT|DXF-AutoCAD|*.dxf|| 111=Message 116=Invalid file type ! [menu248] 1_0=File(&F) 6030=New%Ctrl+N 6060=Open...%Ctrl+O 6040=Save...%Ctrl+S 6050=Save as...%Ctrl+Shift+S 7104=Import...%Ctrl+I 7105=Export...%Ctrl+E 32769=ReLink machine 6010=Options...%Ctrl+J 57665=Exit 1_1=Edit(&E) 7029=Undo%Ctrl+Z 7030=Redo%Ctrl+R 7114=Refresh 7007=Pick%Shift+J 7014=Zoom in 7013=Zoom out%F3 7015=Pan 7010=Zoom to table%Shift+F4 7009=Zoom to all object%F4 7510=Center to table%Ctrl+Y 1_2=Draw(&D) 7018=Line 7017=Rectangle 7019=Polyline 7024=Ellipse 7008=Bezier 7050=Text 7096=Copys 7097=Rotal 7103=Mirror(vertically) 7035=Mirror(Horizontally) 7033=Size%Ctrl+G 1_2_13=Align 7053=Align left 7054=Align right 7055=Align top 7056=Align bottom 7057=Align centers horizontally 7058=Align centers vertically 7059=Align middle 7512=Edit node 1_3=Tools(&O) 7310=Data check 7311=Smooth curve 7312=Unite lines 7315=Offset curve 7051=To curve 7060=Output order 7076=Invert colors 1_4=Laser(&L) 7037=Define cut route 7040=Set laser origin 7100=Array output options...%F9 6120=Calculate%F10 6130=Clear log 6070=Simulate%Ctrl+B 1_5=View(&V) 1_5_0=Toolbar 6341=File toolbar 6342=Output toolbar 6343=Edit toolbar 6344=Layers toolbar 32785=Align toolbar 59393=Statusbar 1_6=Help(&H) 6080=Help... 57664=About... 7099=Line 7098=Polyline 7011=Split line 7031=Half Bmitmap [LaserDriver_Dialog_8376] title= 269=Immediate 8334=Up 8340=Down 332=All 8212=Compute 1043=Y+ 1050=Y- 1044=X- 1049=X+ 8257=Z+ 316=Z- 1062=Datum 325=Laser 8208=Slow 287=Step 437=Length: 500=Times: 8225=Delay: 291=Run Box 275=Start 279=Pause 8217=Stop 321=Z Datum 438=Power: 272=Clip Box 309=DownLoad 465=Machine: [ExternDLL_Dialog_181] title=Edit text 342=Height: 346=Space: 350=Fontname: 304=Big Font: 334=Text: 300=SHX font: 310=SHX Type 308=TRUE Type 1=OK 2=Cancel [ExternDLL_Dialog_121] title=Rotal options 215=Rotal angle: 1=OK 2=Cancel [LaserDriver_Dialog_30729] title=Processing Data 1191=Cancel [ExternDLL_Dialog_128] title=Scale options 306=Length on x: 309=New length on x: 307=Length on y: 311=New length on y: 1=OK 2=Cancel [ExternDLL_Dialog_174] title=Array copy options 323=Rows: 333=Columns: 328=Gap: 338=Gap: 1=OK 2=Cancel [ExternDLL_Dialog_214] title=Offset options 259=conner type: 262=distance: 216_0=Line 216_1=Arc 1=OK 2=Cancel 397=outer 398=inner 399=auto 400=double outer [ExternDLL_Dialog_30729] title=Processing Data 1007=Cancel [ExternDLL_Dialog_221] title=Smooth options 268=Smooth level: 265_0=One Level 265_1=Two Level 265_2=Three Level 1=OK [ExternDLL_Dialog_183] title= 1002=PreView [LaserDriver_Dialog_137] title=Set simulate speed 1059=OK [ExternDLL_Dialog_142] title=Array output options 280=Cell width(X): 282=Cell height(Y): 284=times: 287=times: 290=gap: 293=gap: 297=width: 298=height: 299=Gap Along Y: 301=Gap Along X: 1016=Array-data Only Draw Box 1018=Auto-cover Calculation 1019=OK [ExternDLL_Dialog_146] title=Material size options 312=Material width(X): 314=Material height(Y): 3=OK 2=Cancel [ExternDLL_Dialog_136] title=Set origin position 247=Left-top 249=Center-top 252=Right-top 255=Left-center 258=Center 261=Right-center 264=Left-down 267=Center-down 270=Right-down 278=Local data's position 272=Position(XY): 1=OK [ExternDLL_Dialog_191] title=Lead In/Out Options 457=Entry 1035=Entry type: 1031_0=Arc 1031_1=Line 461=Arc radius: 459=Line length: 1037=Line angle: 458=Exit 1036=Exit type: 460=Arc radius: 462=line length: 1038=Line angle: 1039=Auto jude director 465_0=Right 465_1=Left 1040=Manuel set director 1041=Over lap 1042=Left Space 1030=Calculate 464=Apply 1=OK 2=Cancel 1032_0=Arc 1032_1=Line [ExternDLL_Dialog_199] title=Check data options 285=Check self-intersect 288=Check overlap 231=Check 370=Tol 294=Check closed [ExternDLL_Dialog_197] title=Unite lines options 240=Unite tolerance: [ExternDLL_Dialog_187] title=Adjust output order 364=Layer: 244=Close other layers 229=Reset 374=Top 376=Up 378=Down 380=Bottom 382=Reverse [ExternDLL_Dialog_184] title=Attribute 382=Reverse [LaserDriver_Dialog_8243] title=Set Engrave options 407=Bi-dir 1059=OK 8217=Cancel 441=Speed: 444=Power: 495=scan gap: 8099=Blow 1003=... 8352=ExpandScale 8038=Power2: 8305=Min-power: 1019=Grade-width: 1023=Repair 1029=Repair per: [LaserDriver_Dialog_154] title=Set Engrave Options(advanced) 1161=Fill circle 1013=radius: 8325=space: 1=OK 2=Cancel 8030=Engrave circle [LaserDriver_Dialog_143] title=Set cut options 441=Speed: 444=Power: 477=Conner power: 478=Overlap: 1=OK 2=Cancel 509=Not blow 510=Blow while laser 512=Always blow 8038=Power: 216=Conner power: [LaserDriver_Dialog_8017] title=Set Cut Options(advanced) 8024=Laser Frequency: 1059=Ok 8038=Power2: 216=Conner power2: 552=Original 367=Optimize 397=Inner-to-outer 8291=Down-to-up,divide-heigh 1001=Automation set cut director 402=Delay Open Laser(B) 403=Delay Open Laser(E) 404=Delay Close Laser(B) 405=Delay Close Laser(E) [LaserDriver_Dialog_323] title=Set hole options 444=Power: 480=Interval: 481=Radiation time: 1059=OK 8217=Cancel 8105=Hole on center 506=Blow [LaserDriver_Dialog_8096] title=HitPoint Param(Advance) 8038=Power2: 1=OK 2=Cancel [LaserDriver_Dialog_141] title=Machine Options 1007=Save 8217=Close [LaserDriver_Dialog_330] title= 501=Company name: 568=Telephone: 503=Website: 504=Infomation: 505=Elapse time: 1031=Use advanced options(for work mode) 1033=With Feed components 8344=Auto Datum,Per work times: [LaserDriver_Dialog_8034] title= 459=X Axis 460=[Pulse Unit] 461=[Range] 462=[Datum Direction] 468=Y Axis 463=[Pulse Unit] 464=[Range] 465=[Datum Direction] 266=Auto Datum 454=Start speed 455=Acceleration 466=Datum speed 467=Const speed 457=Test speed (fast) 458=Test speed (slow) 447=Quick speed 1163=Lasers space length 525_0=P Dir 525_1=N Dir 547_0=P Dir 547_1=N Dir 456=space-Acc [LaserDriver_Dialog_207] title= 8299=[Pulse Unit] 452=[Range] 453=[Datum Direction] 266=Auto Datum 454=Start Speed: 455=Acceleration: 457=Test Speed (fast): 458=Test Speed (slow): 456=Datum Speed: 417_0=P Dir 417_1=N Dir 447=Quick speed: [LaserDriver_Dialog_224] title= 475=PWM Frequency: 1009=Add 1151=Delete 1020=Modify 8249=Engrave dir: 218_0=Down To Up 218_1=Up To Down [LaserDriver_Dialog_600] title= 601=PWM Frequency: 602=Add 604=Delete 603=Modify 606=Engrave dir: 605_0=Down To Up 605_1=Up To Down 605_2= [LaserDriver_Dialog_318] title= 479=PWM Frequency: [LaserDriver_Dialog_194] title=Security check 1060=Modify... 1=OK 2=Cancel 434=Password: 1048=Keep [LaserDriver_Dialog_8260] title=Cut Frame Options 441=Speed: 444=Power: 447=Blank: 1=Cut 8217=Save [LaserDriver_Dialog_8005] title=Output options(advanced) 431=Length: 433=Speed: 1039=Automation feed 1=OK 2=Cancel [LaserDriver_Dialog_161] title=About 1036=Copyright: 1038=Telephone: 1=OK [LaserDriver_Dialog_8046] title= 482=PWM frequency: 483=Curve disperse: 484=Min close-gas time: 485=Conner acc: 552=Original 367=Optimize 397=Inner-to-outer 8291=Down-to-up,divide-heigh 487=Circle speed 1009=Add 1151=Delete 1020=Modify 486=Gap on xy axis: 8342=Overlap length(for close): 1001=Automation set cut director 8433=Gap-Optimize [LaserDriver_Dialog_559] title=Laser output 338= 275=Begin 279=Pause 8217=Cancel [LaserDriver_Dialog_135] title= 269=Immediate Output 430=Times: 432=Delay: 1003=... [LaserDriver_Dialog_139] title= 435=Table 436=Feed 437=Length: 438=Power: [Setup_Dialog_102] title=Welcome to use 1017=Edition type: 1014=Install Path: 1013=... 1=Setup 2=Cancel [Setup_Dialog_132] title=Processing Data 1017=Cancel [Setup_ResourceString] 133=Copying files now 132=Regestering DLL now 135=Install softdog driver 104=Information 123=Succeed in install ! 103=Replace system configure file ? [LaserDriver_Dialog_279] title= 460=Motion-Card: 461=IO-Level: 462=Limit-Level: 463=Laser-Model: 464=Max-Power: 465=Machine-Code: 466=Unite Confige 470=Get-CardCode 471=Machine-Number: 457_0=Lower level 457_1=High level 458_0=Lower level 458_1=High level 459_0=Analog signals 459_1=PWM 459_2=[No Used] 459_3=Radio-Frequency 459_4=Two-Laser [LaserDriver_Dialog_175] title=Set circle speed 493=Min radius: 494=Max radius: 441=Cut speed: 1=OK 2=Cancel [ExternDLL_Dialog_219] title=Import plt options 222=Plotter units: 1=OK [ExternDLL_Dialog_186] title=Move data options 246=Local data's position 379=Left-top 385=Left-center 388=Left-down 381=Center-top 375=Center 389=Center-down 384=Right-top 387=Right-center 390=Right-down 360=Position(XY): 373=OK